Resources: A Progressive Holy Communion Liturgy

Our Merthyr Road Explorers considered two forms of a progressive communion liturgy this morning. Here is one of them written and used by Rev Dr Lorraine Parkinson. Lorraine took us through the details and we had an excellent open discussion to follow. You are welcome to use this script.

 Holy Communion


Minister:     Wherever you are on life’s journey,

you are welcome at this table.

Holy Communion realises the grace of God,

revealed for us in the self-giving love of Jesus.

The elements of bread and wine become for us

the bread of life;

the cup of God’s faithfulness.


All:              In company with all who seek God’s grace,

                   we believe that through this life-giving sacrament

                   we are fed by God’s love.



Minister:     The peace of God be always with you.

People:        And also with you.

Minister:     I invite you to share the sign of God’s peace with your

neighbours to your left and right.





All:              Holy God, we come to this table as we are:

                   some with great hope and faithful dreams;

                   some stumbling from uncertainty and doubt.

                   We call to mind those who suffer;

                   we confess our own imperfection.

                   We come, trusting in your acceptance and forgiveness,

                   as Jesus did.




Minister:     God is with you

People:        And also with you.

Minister:     Lift up your hearts.

People:        We lift them up in praise.

Minister:     Let us give thanks to our God.

People:        It is right to give our thanks and praise.



Minister:     Eternal Presence,

we give thanks:

for life in its richness;

for the earth and its abundance;

for Jesus of Nazareth, revealer of the sacred;

for this community of faith, gathered in his name;

for our unity as followers of Jesus;

for our call to transform the world in his name.


And so we praise you

with the faithful of every time and place,

joining with the whole creation in the eternal hymn:

All: (sung)   Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might.

                   Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

                   Hosanna in the highest.

                   Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

                   Hosanna in the highest.



Minister:     God of Love,

Through Jesus we acknowledge the power

of love;

through him we are inspired by your Spirit of


through him we are reconciled with you,

and with each other.

As he shared bread and wine with his friends,

we share this meal in remembrance of him.




Minister:     As grain once scattered

comes together in one loaf,

we come together to share this bread:

symbol of our community as followers of Jesus,

symbol of God’s nourishment for our life.

The bread of life, given for you.  (lift bread)



Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to God and never be hungry.

Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in God and you will not thirst.


The cup we share is the cup of God’s faithfulness;

revealed in the self-giving love of Jesus, even to death.

We share this cup in remembrance of him.

The cup of God’s faithfulness, given for you.   (Lift cup)



Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to God and never be hungry.

Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in God and you will not thirst.



Minister:     Eternal God, as we eat and drink,

we celebrate the mystery of our faith.

We open hearts and minds to your Spirit,

within us and within this bread and wine.

Through this holy sacrament,

may we know you in Jesus who reveals you,

in one another, and in the needy of this world.



Come now to this table, for all is prepared.



The bread of life.   The cup of God’s faithfulness.



Minister:     God of all,

we give thanks that we have been nourished

by these symbols of your love for us.

Through them may our faith be strengthened;

may we grow in love for each other;

may we go into the world with courage

and in peace,

as followers of Jesus.




































2 thoughts on “Resources: A Progressive Holy Communion Liturgy

  1. Tim O’Dwyer

    Too many words, Lorraine. Less in a liturgy, I feel, is always better. Cf 1 Corinthians 11:23–26. Nevertheless if more words might be needed to supplement (or enhance) the sacrament, there may be value in including the word “hospitality” – which was significantly used twice in the recent Habitat Uniting Church post.

  2. Bev Floyd

    It’s a blessing when each of us
    do what we do best. I see this liturgy as an important half-way step to ease ‘Christians’ towards
    a more courageous position.
    My own hope is that someone
    will create a set of words to celebrate the sacred in life in such a way that anyone, anywhere…. Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, and even ‘atheists’ will want to participate. Whether the ‘Christian church’ will survive into the future is in doubt, but there is no doubt the secular world needs to be reminded of the hidden beauty and purpose of ‘God’s world.

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