12 Psychological Traits likely to affect dispositions of ‘progressives’ and ‘evangelicals’.

Psychology / our disposition to certain ways of responding to the world is very powerful. How much does psychology influence the preference of a person to take up an “Evangelical” or socially conservative view of the faith? The same question could be asked of socially progressive and theologically “liberal” Christians.

This post is not so much interested in the reason people are “Evangelical” or otherwise. Rather the concern is how do we navigate our relationships and build consensus when psychology is such an influence on our views of the world.

Go to: Making Church Decisions

Building Consensus Across Psychological Barriers

To say that there may be a psychological disposition to preferring an “Evangelical” or “liberal” expression of faith does not go to the question of who is right or wrong. However, it is important for us to understand this personal background so that we can have a better understanding of one another.

Terence Corkin is an ordained Minister of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) and the former General Secretary for the Uniting Church in Australia. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a nationally accredited mediator.


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